the pathetic caverns - music by artist - Instant Camera
eclectic reviews and opinions
Instant Camera
Alive on Departure
(Wall to Wall, 2005)
There are lots of '80's-style new wave bands popping up. Call me cynical, but it seems just a little convenient that buyers looking for the latest by Interpol might stumble across the bold simple graphics of Instant Camera. Sure enough, there's plenty of chorused guitars and arguably too much reverb. But it's not quite fair to dismiss them as a clone band. Instant Camera doesn't have Interpol's flair for drama, but they have a punkier edge, especially on the faster tunes, like "Style Over Substance Abuse," which sounds a bit like early Translator. Jagged, staccato guitar riffs are Instant Camera's best asset — the songs aren't strong on melodic hooks. The disc is consistent if you're feeling charitable, or samey if you're not. Vocalist Neil Dez's baritone isn't terribly distinctive, and it's usually buried in the mix, a reasonable approach. The closing "Hearing Is Disbelieving" is a stylistic departure — slower, with circus-y sustained organ and Jew's harp, it suggests that Instant Camera could grow out of the obvious influences.
This review originally appeared at Avoid Peril.
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